19 Cool Betta Fish Tank Ideas That Will Inspire You - Tiny Finz (2024)

Betta Fish need more than a small bowl and some gravel to be happy. While many pet stores sell them in small containers or vases, Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons to thrive.

The beauty of a Betta fish tank is that you can design and decorate them to be unique and match your personality.

Spend a little time creating an awesome-looking tank, and you’ll have something that will make your Fish happy and provide you with hours of enjoyment.

Further Reading : Need the 101 on caring for your Betta Fish.

Equipment List For A Betta Tank Setup

Before we get into it, ensure you have all the equipment you need to set up the ideal tank conditions for your Betta Fish.

Here are19 CoolBetta Fish Tank Ideas That Will Inspire You!

1) Whimsical Forest Paradise

Jolteon is quite the lucky Fish. This excellent Betta tank idea projects the vibe of a fantasy world occupied by nymphs and leprechauns.

Black gravel gives the substrate the look of a forest floor, and a vegetative backdrop and several live plants add a lush feeling to this tank.

Finally, the beautiful little huts and rock caves give your Betta fish many places to hide and explore. The natural greenery and many crevices create a Betta paradise, and this is a tank that you can be proud to show off.

2) Clear Rocks and Color-Changing LEDs

Give your Betta tank a fun makeover with this colorful tank idea. Color-changing LEDs project a high-class party atmosphere while multi-colored clear rocks at the bottom shimmer in the reflected light.

A few tastefully placed plants give your Betta that hint of natural habitat that he needs. This attractive and flashy tank will give any room a touch of class.

3) Japanese Shrine

This calm and peaceful tank setup mimics the serenity of a Japanese shrine and harkens to the Betta’s Asian origins. Dark gravel substrate gives the impression of a forest floor, and more extensive white rocks add striking contrast.

The light use of plants gives the tank a clean, minimalist look, and the shrine and bridge decorations enhance the Japanese styling.

4) Floating Plant Biotope

This interesting Betta tank is inspired by the original Betta Fish’s rice paddies called home. Unfortunately, the tank is only filled halfway with water, but there is still plenty of room for your Fish to swim around and play.

The wide, shallow shape, as well as the small island of floating greenery, creates the environment found in a rice paddy or stream and adds fascinating visual appeal to this setup.

5) Grassy Field

This well-designed tank is both visually striking and pastoral in feeling. The green carpet of live plants that lines the bottom is an intense splash of color and creates a beautiful grassy bed.

The rock decorations jutting out from the center provide bold contrast, and the gradual slope of the substrate gives this tank a dynamic feeling.

Pair this with a colorful Betta fish, and you’ll have a tank you won’t want to stop looking at.

6) Tropical Island Living

This tank uses two distinct zones to recreate the feel of a jungle-side beach vacation.

The darker substrate under the jungle section replicates the look of a forest floor, while contrasting light-colored sand forms a relaxing beach. An exciting variety of brightly-colored vegetation creates a unique jungle environment, and the tank light at the top adds a sunny feeling to the scene.

Your Betta fish will enjoy his time in this island paradise.

7) Log Cabin

This tank features a hollow log decoration that has visual appeal and gives your Betta a place to lounge and rest.

Purple, green, and blue plants add a colorful, natural feel and will make your Betta feel at home. This is a unique tank idea that any Betta will enjoy.

8) Vegetation Variety

Vegetation is the main feature of this beautiful tank.

Bettas love swimming around and exploring soft cover like live plants, and your Betta will love a green environment like this. Even though all the plants are green, this tank features several different plants for exciting variety.

A dark substrate underneath adds to the jungle feel.

9) Tri-Color Divided Tank

Do you have a divided tank? Then consider adding variety by creating different environments.

This stunning tank uses different color pebbles and plants to make a contrasting visual environment for each section. Tank decorations in three different styles give Bettas a place to explore and add to the impression that we are looking at three other planets side-by-side.

10) Multi-colored Plants

This fantastic tank projects neon colors and has an almost alien, futuristic feel.

The multi-colored plants are so bright they are almost luminescent. Black and white pebbles and a grayscale tank decoration contrast heavily with the fluorescent plants and make the colors pop.

No matter if your Betta is dull or flashy, the contrasts in this tank will make him look right at home.

11) Buddha Ruins

This tank projects the peacefulness of the Buddha and the eeriness of ancient ruins like Angkor Wat.

A Buddha head decoration grows from the plants surrounding it and provides an attractive focal point. In addition, a thicket of vegetation adds to the scene and provides your Betta with many hiding places.

The best part about this tank design is that you can let your plants get overgrown, and they’ll make the scene even better. Any Betta will love a peaceful sanctuary like this.

12) Gothic Graveyard

For the darker personalities among us, this tank brings a supernatural gothic graveyard to mind.

Translucent animal decorations and white rocks form headstones from the contrasting black substrate. In addition, an ornate gate and a human skull decoration enhance the graveyard atmosphere.

A live plant and a rock add a splash of color and help create a natural environment for your Betta fish.

13) Colorful Jungle

This scene strikingly uses color and brings to mind a jungle settlement, a video game, or even the Flintstones.

The brightly colored pebbles and the multi-color plants play off each other and brighten the scene, while a pineapple hut decoration adds a touch of fun and gives your Betta somewhere to hide. This tank is sure to liven up any room.

14) Planter Pot Paradise

Planter pots are one of the easiest and cheapest ways to add great-looking decorations to your Betta tank. Planter pots add interesting forms to your tank’s landscape for just a few cents each and give your Betta places to hide and explore.

Include a forest of live plants; this tank will make your Betta feel at home.

15) Bamboo Buddha Forest

This serene tank creatively uses pieces of bamboo with live plants at the top to create the effect of an underwater bamboo forest.

A meditating Buddha tank decoration right in the center draws the eye and adds to the sense of symmetry. Light-colored gravel brightens the tank, and a few more live plants create a more natural environment. Your Betta is sure to feel peaceful in a tank like this.

Watch:Bamboo Jungle Betta Tank

16) Zen Rock Garden

This interesting tank incorporates the stylized forms of zen rock gardens to create a unique Betta fish aquarium idea.

Instead of the typical gravel or sand substrate, this tank uses large rocks of different types and sizes. A geometric tank decoration in the center enhances the zen feel and gives your Betta a place to perch.

17) Yellow Submarine

This dream-like tank makes the cluttered look good. A lot is going on here, and the tank is packed with plants and decorations that work well together and give Bettas plenty of places to swim around.

Your Betta will enjoy exploring this Octopus’s Garden inside the Yellow Submarine tank decoration.

18) Betta Tank Table

If you want your Betta tank to be a part of the room, there are no better options than this attractive Betta fish tank table.

Glass sides and a glass tabletop give you views into the tank from all around. Clean landscaping and live plants make you want to look at this tank. And it’s so large that your Betta and even some choice tankmates will be able to spread out.

19) Super Mario Betta Tank

This may be the most creative tank of the bunch. This tank uses painted lego bricks and PVC piping to recreate a scene from the iconic Super Mario Brothers video game.

While it’s more complex to set up than most other tanks, this would be a fun DIY project and a great conversation piece.

You can even take the concept of creating scenes out of painted lego bricks and design a tank around something completely different.

Watch:Super Mario Bros Fish Tank

Final Thoughts On Betta Tanks

All cool Betta tanks have a few things in common. They are all big enough for your Betta to be happy, have some substrate, and have decorations, structures, and plants for your Betta to hide in and explore.

But you can combine these elements in many ways to create a stunning tank design.

These 19 attractive Betta fish tank ideas should get your creative juices flowing so you can design your ideal Betta tank.

Whether you try to recreate one of the tanks on this list or come up with your unique idea, there are endless possibilities for your Betta’s home.


What do Bettas like in their tank?

There are a few must-haves for your Bettas tank;
Warm water
Live plants
Caves and hiding places
There are many other things that your Betta will enjoy having in their tank, but those are the must-haves, in my opinion.

What should you not put in a betta fish tank?

There are lots of things you shouldn’t put in your Bettas tank, but here are a few you need to avoid.
Anything with sharp edges. Plastic plants, rocks, and ornaments can sometimes have advantages that will tear your Bettas fins.
Fish that are brightly colored and have long flowing fins.
More than one male Betta.

What size tank should you get for a betta fish?

The best size tank for a Betta fish would be at least 10 gallons in size. However, finding perfectly healthy Betta Fish in a 5-gallon tank is not uncommon. That said, I would avoid anything smaller than 5 gallons.

One central element of an attractive Betta fish tank is the use of live plants. This helpful infographic shows you how to create an incredible “carpet” effect with your tank plantings:

Making extensive use of live plants in your tank takes an additional level of care and planning. But the results are often worth it and will help you create an attractive home for your Betta.

Transform your betta fish tank into a lush and vibrant underwater paradise! Click here to explore our selection of the best plants for betta fish and create a stunning aquatic environment. From low-maintenance options to lush greenery, discover the perfect plants to promote your betta’s well-being and beautify their habitat.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

About Betta Fish and Tank Setup

As an enthusiast and expert in Betta fish care, I can confidently say that Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are beautiful and fascinating creatures that require specific care to thrive. It's important to note that Betta fish need more than just a small bowl and some gravel to be happy. While many pet stores sell them in small containers or vases, Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons to thrive. The beauty of a Betta fish tank is that you can design and decorate them to be unique and match your personality. Spending a little time creating an awesome-looking tank can make your fish happy and provide you with hours of enjoyment.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article and provide detailed information on each.

Betta Tank Setup Equipment List

Before setting up a Betta tank, it's essential to ensure you have all the necessary equipment. This includes a tank of at least 2.5 gallons, a filter, a heater to maintain warm water, live plants, caves, and hiding places for the Betta fish to explore and feel secure.

Cool Betta Fish Tank Ideas

The article mentions 19 cool Betta fish tank ideas that can inspire enthusiasts to create unique and visually appealing tank setups. These ideas include various themes such as a whimsical forest paradise, clear rocks and color-changing LEDs, a Japanese shrine, a floating plant biotope, a grassy field, tropical island living, a log cabin, vegetation variety, a tri-color divided tank, multi-colored plants, a Buddha ruins theme, a gothic graveyard, a colorful jungle, planter pot paradise, a bamboo Buddha forest, a zen rock garden, a yellow submarine theme, a Betta tank table, and a Super Mario Betta tank.

Each of these tank ideas offers a distinct visual appeal and provides a unique environment for Betta fish to thrive. From naturalistic setups to themed designs, these ideas cater to various preferences and allow for creative expression in Betta tank decoration.

Must-Haves for Betta Tanks

The article also mentions the essential elements that Betta fish require in their tanks. These include warm water, a filter, live plants, caves, and hiding places. These elements are crucial for creating a suitable and enriching environment for Betta fish to thrive.

Tank Size for Betta Fish

The recommended tank size for Betta fish is at least 2.5 gallons, with the ideal size being 10 gallons. While it's not uncommon to find healthy Betta fish in a 5-gallon tank, it's advisable to avoid anything smaller than 5 gallons to ensure the well-being of the fish.

Use of Live Plants in Betta Tanks

One central element of an attractive Betta fish tank is the use of live plants. Live plants not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the tank but also provide natural hiding places and contribute to the overall well-being of Betta fish. Extensive use of live plants in a tank requires careful planning and maintenance, but the results often create a lush and vibrant underwater paradise for Betta fish.

In conclusion, Betta fish care and tank setup involve various elements, including tank size, equipment, decoration ideas, and the use of live plants, all of which contribute to creating a thriving and visually appealing environment for these beautiful fish.

19 Cool Betta Fish Tank Ideas That Will Inspire You - Tiny Finz (2024)


What do bettas love in their tank? ›

Taking care of a betta fish is pretty easy, as long as you have all the right pieces in place. Look for soft plants, low-current filters, a large tank with lights on a day-night cycle, and special betta food. This combination will keep your beautiful betta happy and healthy.

What do betta fish love the most? ›

Although bettas can tolerate small spaces and poor water quality, they do best in small aquariums (at least two gallons) with regular water changes. The preferred water temperature for a betta is 76-82 degrees F.

Do betta fish prefer small tanks? ›

Perhaps the most popular myth is that bettas can live in small bowls. The opposite is true: Betta fish need a tank that's at least 5 gallons (19 liters), and 10 gallons (38 liters) is better.

What is the smallest size tank for a betta? ›

Betta fish need a minimum 5-gallon, ideally 10-gallon tank size with a filter and a heater. It's recommended to opt for live plants rather than plastic ones for decorations because the plastic plants can hurt and damage their fins.

What makes betta fish happy? ›

Your betta will be happiest and healthiest in an aquarium with a filter and heater. If you want to teach your betta tricks, you will want them at their most active, which means keep the aquarium water clean and between 76° and 84° F, as they are native to tropical environments.

Do betta fish get excited to see you? ›

Happy bettas swim around. They interact with things in their tanks and act interested when you come close.

What not to put in a betta tank? ›

But you can't put just anything in your betta's tank. Here's what to avoid: sharp decorations that can snag or tear your fish's fins. metal items that will rust.

Can betta survive in half gallon tank? ›

Though they can survive in such a small cup to some extent, betta fish should be kept in a minimum 2 gallon tank. The temperature should be kept at 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Colder water can kill the betta, as the betta's immune system will slow and make them susceptible to disease.

Can a betta live in a 0.5 gallon tank? ›

First things first, . 5 gallons is way too small for a betta. They need a tank of at least 5 gallons with a heater and filter!

How much space do bettas really need? ›

Bettas need an aquarium with at least 3 gallons (11 liters), a filter and a heater. Set up their new home at least one day before they arrive. The aquarium should be near a power source, in a low-traffic area, away from direct sunlight and drafts.

Do betta fish get bored in small tanks? ›

Betta fish are naturally territorial and should not be housed with any other betta fish because they will fight and injure each other, often resulting in death. They are unlikely to get lonely in their tank; however, if they are in a small tank, they may get bored.

Do bettas prefer tall or wide tanks? ›

A wide tank is preferable to a tall one, because Bettas need to be able to easily dash to the surface to take gulps of air.

Is a 2 gallon tank too small for a betta? ›

Betta Fish in Small Tanks

I have several articles that discuss the best tank size and setup for bettas, and my unambiguous and unwavering advice is to choose a tank of at least five gallons for a single fish. If you expect to have tankmates for your betta, you will need an even larger tank.

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